Recently spotted back at the Millenium Dance Complex,
Britney Spears spent a part of her Monday teaching a dance class for six children ranging in age from 4-7. Dressed (appropriately?) in ripped fishnets and red boy shorts, Spears taught choreographed routines to Madonna's "Holiday" and "Material Girl" as well as letting her pupils do a little free style dancing. "She even played age-appropriate games in a circle, pretending to be a choo-choo train," Robert Baker, director of Millenium, told People.
Apparently Spears had so much fun, she asked to teach another class.
Baker added, "Britney was just amazing with the kids and everyone ended up having a blast. At the end of the hour class, all the kids hugged Britney and she seemed very happy."
- Erin Dustin
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