Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wrist Tattoos – Where and How to Find a Great Wrist Tattoo
Wrist Tattoos – Where and How to Find a Great Wrist Tattoo
Wrist tattoos have taken the tattoo world by storm. Both men and women tattoo aficionados have taken to wrist tattoo designs. They are normally small in size, as they are made on the smaller side and are inexpensive to get done. It is also easy to adapt a wide variety of designs to make wrist tattoos. Some choose to get wrist tattoos for symbolic meanings. Before we read about wrist tattoo designs, we will read about wrist tattoo ideas.Wrist Tattoo Ideas
There are a number of ideas which can make your wrist tattoo stand out from the rest. Tattoos made on the inner wrist are very popular, as they are not always visible. There are people who are of the opinion that inner wrist tattoos are more interesting as compared to other wrist tattoos. On the other hand, tattoos on the top of the wrist are more visible and this tattoo design can extend onto the arm or over the hand. The size of the tattoo can either be small or large. Wristband or bracelet tattoos on wrist is the third variety of wrist tattoo. This tattoo encircles the entire wrist or follows the curves of the top and side of the wrist. Wristband tattoos are similar to armband tattoo designs.
Sexy Wrist Tattoo Design
If you want a wrist tattoo, you have three basic options: a wraparound tattoo that encompasses your wrist, a single image inked on the inside of your wrist, or a word or phrase special to you. All can be sexy in different ways.
Wraparound tattoos are great ways to add flair and visual interest to your wrist. This works best with a flowing design that easily extends across your wrist and doubles back on itself. Some examples are flames, barbed wire, and vines. Even a sentence or phrase in Sanskrit or some other cursive font can form a band around your wrist.
Many people agree that a single image is the sexiest option, because a small image in a suggestive place like the sensitive inner wrist is very beautiful. Some examples of wrist designs are a star or a Kanji character with a special meaning. Many female celebrities opt for this type of tattoo, perhaps because of its suggestive appeal.
Word tattoos are the ultimate twist on the silicone “awareness” bracelet that became popular in the late 1990s. (Think of the ‘Livestong’ bracelets people wore for cancer awareness.) You can raise awareness for whatever cause or express any belief you’ve got on your wrist – you can literally wear your heart on your sleeve, if you like.
Words are fabulous wrist tattoos. Something short and sweet like “dream” or “breathe” written in cursive are popular choices for many women, and you can get as daring and suggestive as you want with the word. Maybe a phrase from your favorite novel or song, or the initials of a special person in your life, would look great on your wrist.
One advantage to wrist tattoos is that you’ve got two wrists – so why not use them? You could put two related words like “love” and “hate” on each wrist, or you could have a single phrase run from one wrist onto the other. For example, you could ink “What you see” on the right wrist and “is what you get” on the left. Holding your wrists out together makes a powerful statement. Whatever you want to say in life, it’s possible to say it with wrist tattoos.
Sanskrit is undoubtedly beautiful to look at, and it seems to add a deeper spirituality to any tattoo design you incorporate it into. However, there is always a risk to getting a tat in a language that is not your own. If you choose a particular word or phrase to use, be sure to cross check it with more than one translation source to make sure it carries the meaning you want it to. It is possible for an individual website or artist to make a mistake.
Sanskrit tattoos may seem like the latest fad in tattoo design, but this truly isn’t the case. Easter cultures have used this language in their body art for many centuries. It is only now becoming popular in the Western world as multi-culturalism takes hold.
Hot Inner Wrist Tattoo Designs For Girls
Inner wrist tattoos are a great choice for a hot tattoo design. More and more women are choosing to get such a tattoo for a variety of reasons. If you have been thinking about getting an inner wrist tattoo here are some ideas that might help make your decision a bit easier. Although it is always important to get a tattoo design that you love and not just get it because someone said they were popular. So use the ideas below to help spark your own creative ideas.
Star Tattoos
Star tattoo are always popular for girls. You can get something like nautical star design or a cluster of shooting stars. Either way a star is a symbol of guidance and helping keep a person on track and also remembering to live life to the fullest. Thus is makes a great tattoo with a deep symbolism behind it.
Saying Tattoo
Often people have a saying be it a quote, part of a poem or something that is important and significant to them. To add a little mystery to the words you could always get them done in a foreign language or script such as Latin, Arabic or even Sanskrit.
Ribbon Tattoos
Recently ribbons have become very popular to support a cause that you believe in. Be I breast cancer or autism if you have a cause that you are passionate about one great way to support that cause or someone struggling with such a disease or issue a ribbon tattoo works perfectly on the inner wrist.
Flower Tattoos
Flowers typically are thought of as going all the way around the wrist in a bracelet tattoo design. However a small flower or even a cluster or grouping of flowers can work as an inner wrist tattoo also. For example a hibiscus flower or lotus flower can work really well on the wrist. Flowers are very symbolic and it is important to pick a flower that you are attached to or one that has a symbolic significance behind it that is important to you.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The 100 Most Powerful Celebrities
Forbes has released a new list of the most powerful celebrities in the world. Oprah Winfrey reigns as number one; and Lady Gaga has catapulted to the number four spot. Here's the top 10 actors, actresses, musicians, and personalities. These hotshots are huge in Hollywood. See the full list HERE.
1 - Oprah Winfrey: $315 M
2 - Beyonce Knowles: $87 M
3 - James Cameron: $210 M
4 - Lady Gaga: $62 M
5 - Tiger Woods: $105 M
6 - Britney Spears: $64 M
7 - U2: $130 M
8 - Sandra Bullock: $56 M
9 - Johnny Depp: $75 M
10 - Madonna: $58 M
Monday, June 28, 2010
korian short hair styles

new short hairstyle for korian girls.
new short hair style

Paris Hilton Latest Blonde Haircut with Bangs
katie holmes short haircuts
katie holmes short bob hair in 2010
BOB short hair style has been popular for over 100 years, and will still be hot in 2010. The reason that BOB hair could be so popular and classic is that it is nearly suitable to everyone. But different as before, the BOB hair in 2010 will be much layering on the top. The length of the hair will go down to your neck. Vertically compliant gives you stereoscopic looking. New season BOB hair will also showing a geometric structure. Stylists will cut out triangle or circular type, and a diamond type will be great and attractive too.
hilton short hair

A short haircut does not imply one specific cut, because the lengths of different short haircuts vary. To make it simpler one can divide the lengths into three different categories, namely: super short, jaw length and chin length fashions. Short haircuts are versatile and with some added color you can sport a chic and feminine hairstyle.Here are some cute short hairstyles pictures for you to get some new short hair ideas.
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it's various types of hair styles that is used in asia.
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american women most used this hair styles in winter.
short bob hair styles

Over the years the bob hairstyle has evolved into several modern and trendy versions, among which is the inverted bob hairstyle. The bob hairstyle is definitely a classic which will never go out of fashion. With its simple manageability, chic look, and versatility, the attraction of bob hairstyle will always be strong for many women.
sexy short hair styles

Cool short hairstyles for women are a great and classy haircut for every occasions.It is cute and chic haircut for young women but can also be fit for formal events. If you like to change your look often these short haircuts are great, there are always new trends and try to follow it.Check these cool short hairstyles for winter 2010.
most create hair styles
Long, blubbery beard falling low and above the accept with a bouncing accomplishment is additionally a abundant advantage for a hair-do. This blazon of hairstyle apparel the best for addition with an egg-shaped face. A annular and ample face would not backpack this appearance as abundant as an egg-shaped face would because it would accomplish the face attending abundant chubbier than normal.
beautifull short hair styles

Some of the best longer looks feature full waves with lots of long layers. Volumous locks with lively texture are both playful and sexy. Plus, it means less time spent fighting with a straightening iron. Finally, when it comes to color, intensified natural shades are the most sought after tones. This means taking a color like blonde, brunette, or red and adding highlights, lowlights, and shine enhancers to make the shade bolder and shinier.
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Japanese haircuts are very popular among teenage girls. These are some of the latest hairstyles for winter.
popular short hair styles

popular short messy hair styles for winter 2010.
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Sabrina Jales Beautiful Bikini Pictures

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Thursday, June 24, 2010
Jason Segel in GQ
He graduated from high school sitcoms to the Hollywood A-list and a role as a 3-D supervillain in Despicable Me, but the resolutely down-to-earth Jason Segel remains both freak and geek. He talks to Alex Pappademas about marriage, fame, and Muppets, in the July issue of GQ.
Jason Segel on if he’ll ever get married:
“For me it's much more about meeting the right person. I don't have that thing that women have—'I've gotta be married by the time I'm 33, gotta have a kid by the time I'm 35.’ Let's see where life takes me, you know? If I met the girl, I'd marry her tomorrow.”
...on being famous and having bus loads of tourists yell at him:
“I think it's hilarious. And I think our group, the Judd Apatow circle—our ‘thing’ is that we're normal dudes. All our movies are just us kind of sitting around smoking pot and just hanging out, and people tend to treat us like that, like [hey-brah dude voice] ‘Oh, shit, what's up? Can I buy you a shot?’ And we are those dudes. When we started out—when I got Freaks and Geeks, I was like 18, Seth was 16. Judd wasn't who Judd is now. And we would sit around and just wax poetic about how we'd take over Hollywood someday. And then it happened, that's the weird part of it—but I think in our minds, we're still those dudes, sitting around like, ‘We're gonna show 'em all!’”
I’ve attached a photo for your review. Read the full GQ article HERE.
Photo credit: Martin Schoeller/GQ
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
M.I.A. in GQ
M.I.A. gets loud in the July issue of GQ, opening up about Sri Lanka, her wedding style, and growing up without her father:
M.I.A. on what she wants to wear to her wedding:
“I’ve always wanted to get married in a white suit,” she says. “I used to work at a Kodak lab in England, cutting photos after they’d come out of the wash, and in one I saw this couple getting married on a beach in white suits, and their kid was there.”
...on growing up without her dad:
“England gave me a free education,” she says, “but my grades suffered because I didn’t have my dad to help me. I’ve paid the price. I’ve had the cause and effect, all that shit. I feel like I don’t have anything to do with my dad.”
...on her childhood in Sri Lanka:
“I lived on a street, a dead-end street. There were like seven or eight houses, and then you turn the corner and there was another seven, eight houses. But my whole family lived on the street. So it was amazing. I grew up with about a hundred of my cousins, playing hide-and-seek all over the village and the temples.”
See the full article here.
Photo credit: Miguel Reveriego/GQ
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Lindsay Lohan Beautiful Pictures

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In June 2010 Rooney struck a deal with Littlewoods, rumoured to worth £2,000,000 she said of the deal, "The role is a perfect match in enabling me to select and wear my favourite styles as well as share my ideas on how to carry off the season's new trends."